Hah. I shall slack a little bit today even though it's an early day and there's supposed to be lots of time for me to mug. but nvm. I just watched kangxi. (I totally missed like ~2 days of it can?!) and spam facebook applications, esp mafia wars. (i still dunnoe what is so nice about it but i still play it) And I am like playing restaurant city, not really again cause i didn't really play it before. I am like only level 4 and poor.
I shall post about stuff that happened today.
In the morning when i was sitting on the train (purple line), there's this malay lady/woman/girl sitting like opposite me. i see her quite often recently. The train was like moving and you know what she did? She took out a sock from her bag and took off her shoes and tried to wear her sock. I was like WTH! why would somebody want to wear a sock in public? It's like totally unglam OKAY. And some more the sock has like 3 holes, one of them at her big toe. Ok! then she wear her shoe and act like nothing has happened obviously. I thought she was going to wear another sock but she didn't. Kind of weird. Then what? she took off the same shoe and started adjusting her sock. You know why? because she toe is like stuck in the hole. OMG. damn funny and ridiculous.
Why would people wear their sock like on the MRT train?! :O it's like so embarrassing! (auntie lucy. haha) Even i feel paiseh for her lah. if some other tourist sees it then he will think that singaporeans all wear socks in public! o.o
hahaha. i shouldn't feel stress/emo!!! argh
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
I'm so hungry. I just spent 2.5hours sleeping when block tests are just next week. I am too pro. I was like so cold that I dreamt that I was in China. Seriously. Idk why I am feeling like so cold. And my left is is like seriously super painful. It's just weird. I've been like so tired every since last night. Perhaps yesterday was just too exciting. haha. and yay i finally got a cupcake tree. I planted/waited for so long! I am like still thinking about what is so fun about mafia wars. Can someone tell me?
Haixx... I must do my chinese thing already. and my math. why do teachers all give things/ws for block tests so last minute!? We have better things to do/mug!!
Haixx... I must do my chinese thing already. and my math. why do teachers all give things/ws for block tests so last minute!? We have better things to do/mug!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Block tests are like next week. Gah. and guess what i haven't actually prepared properly for my speech yet. Pro right? i bet nobody can win me. We were like supposed to be prepared since like week 2? And now it's alread week 5. I shall prepare it later cause i think pt will sort of chiong finish all the speeches by this week (or even tmr cause i suspect he wanted to chiong today). I am so screwed lah. Seeing other ppl like so relax after their speeches, I feel like rawr. lion lion. ahahaha.
finals are like tmr. It's so exciting. haha. I know it can only be exciting when you are not the one playing. haha. which is me. XD I cannot think about what is after the finals lah. School and block tests and everything else. it's like eek! My brain is going to burst some day. no wonder my brain grew in size (into double brain). soon it will be triple brain and what's the 4th? whatever. that's what i mean. and then my brain will burst. woohoo (o.o) then it will be the end of the world man... OMG I AM GETTING CRAZAY!!
but anyway. my mum is like addicted to facebook. haha. nvm. whatever
i'm glad that my hair grew longer already. But it still suck lah. i don't understand why people say my hair is cute. it's like so ugly can! maybe that's what they mean. haha
and people are getting sick recently. haha. dunnoe why.
blogger is getting screwed too...
finals are like tmr. It's so exciting. haha. I know it can only be exciting when you are not the one playing. haha. which is me. XD I cannot think about what is after the finals lah. School and block tests and everything else. it's like eek! My brain is going to burst some day. no wonder my brain grew in size (into double brain). soon it will be triple brain and what's the 4th? whatever. that's what i mean. and then my brain will burst. woohoo (o.o) then it will be the end of the world man... OMG I AM GETTING CRAZAY!!
but anyway. my mum is like addicted to facebook. haha. nvm. whatever
i'm glad that my hair grew longer already. But it still suck lah. i don't understand why people say my hair is cute. it's like so ugly can! maybe that's what they mean. haha
and people are getting sick recently. haha. dunnoe why.
blogger is getting screwed too...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I was like really sad/emo/irritated like yesterday night and this morning. I don't know why. I feel like so stressed. So stressed that I cannot think and cannot do anything properly. It's like I just keep thinking about all the homework and SIAs and the upcoming block test and blahblah. And the more I think, the more I couldn't think. Do I make sense? But anyway, i think i am quite okay now. perhaps still a little emo. haixx
today was like the c divs prelims. it's so sad that we couldn't go and support them. but it's good that they got into the finals. JYJY for finals. :D tmr is the b divs. I just wonder if the team can win or not. I must believe that they can and they will.
JY for b divs tmr. and yay. i am going to watch tmr. haha..!!
argh i shall stop thinking about everything. argh argh argh
today was like the c divs prelims. it's so sad that we couldn't go and support them. but it's good that they got into the finals. JYJY for finals. :D tmr is the b divs. I just wonder if the team can win or not. I must believe that they can and they will.
JY for b divs tmr. and yay. i am going to watch tmr. haha..!!
argh i shall stop thinking about everything. argh argh argh
Thursday, July 16, 2009
EMO. please don't read this post.
It's been like a week since I'd posted. I am getting bored. Emo Emo Emo. I don't know.
I've been like getting muscle aches from trainings recently. I am such a failure man...
Term 3 is like super screwed. All the SIAs' deadline. Chionging like mad for almost everything. And block test is in like 3 weeks? I just still have the feeling that the term has just started. I'm not into mugging/anything like that. I'm like so dead. Procrastinating and slacking. I've seemed to lost all my motivation about studying. I just feel like slacking and slacking. Which will lead me to no where or perhaps hell.
Teams are like next week. Even though it's not really related to me. Sigh. I feel so sad. idk why. Just keep on sighing and sighing for unknown reason. Even my mum asked me. I just feel tired and everything. I am bored. I am not like super stress from HW and SIAs. I am such a slacker. And yet I am sighing. I am so qian bian right? I don't even know what I am doing now. I don't do my homework but go online and do random stuff like adding weeds and stealing crops in Barn Buddy on Facebook. I'm so useless. Argh. I cannot stand myself. I hate myself man...
Haixxx.... Perhaps life's not so good...
I've been like getting muscle aches from trainings recently. I am such a failure man...
Term 3 is like super screwed. All the SIAs' deadline. Chionging like mad for almost everything. And block test is in like 3 weeks? I just still have the feeling that the term has just started. I'm not into mugging/anything like that. I'm like so dead. Procrastinating and slacking. I've seemed to lost all my motivation about studying. I just feel like slacking and slacking. Which will lead me to no where or perhaps hell.
Teams are like next week. Even though it's not really related to me. Sigh. I feel so sad. idk why. Just keep on sighing and sighing for unknown reason. Even my mum asked me. I just feel tired and everything. I am bored. I am not like super stress from HW and SIAs. I am such a slacker. And yet I am sighing. I am so qian bian right? I don't even know what I am doing now. I don't do my homework but go online and do random stuff like adding weeds and stealing crops in Barn Buddy on Facebook. I'm so useless. Argh. I cannot stand myself. I hate myself man...
Haixxx.... Perhaps life's not so good...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
GAH. so long never post le. haha.
I CUT MY HAIR like AGAIN!! T.T and i regret it GREATLY. Now i look like squiward. DX So sad. my hair is so short that it is too light. so it pops up and makes my head look really big at the back. Looks like I got double brain. and i look like this.
for ppl who don't know who this is, this is squidward from spongebob square pants. I post this doesn't mean that i want to acknowledge that i am squidward HOR! ADELLE!!!
I started training again! Even though i still cannot run/get thrown etc, i started my training again. yay. but i had like muscle aches on my arms like the next day after my weight training. i feel like so sad. i've like lost all my muscles. but they are now growing back. ! :D (which also means that i will gain more weight. T.T)
I like to play barn buddy on facebook. it's so fun. but i never feed my dog and people come stealing my stuff. DX don't steal my crops! hehe
i must study. mug mug mug. but stay happy and stress free! XD XD XD
I CUT MY HAIR like AGAIN!! T.T and i regret it GREATLY. Now i look like squiward. DX So sad. my hair is so short that it is too light. so it pops up and makes my head look really big at the back. Looks like I got double brain. and i look like this.

I started training again! Even though i still cannot run/get thrown etc, i started my training again. yay. but i had like muscle aches on my arms like the next day after my weight training. i feel like so sad. i've like lost all my muscles. but they are now growing back. ! :D (which also means that i will gain more weight. T.T)
I like to play barn buddy on facebook. it's so fun. but i never feed my dog and people come stealing my stuff. DX don't steal my crops! hehe
i must study. mug mug mug. but stay happy and stress free! XD XD XD
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