yesterday was crazy. i slept at 1am on thurday night/friday morning to chiong R&R. even though the last one was like totally screwed. IDC. woke up at 5am in the morning. sleeping for 4 hours is equivalent to not sleeping at all. I had weird dreams. >.< shall not try to explain cause i am lazy to try to rmb what they were.
I was kinda satisfied since I managed to finish my 6 R&Rs one time. So i thought that i could just survive training and go home and sleep. training was horrible. everyone was like sian okay. haixx. and i got my knee injured again. like sprain. painful sia. i almost cried. like seriously. argh. i think maybe it's my shoes. i was so stupid that i went to change my shoes when i went back to the dojo to take some medic stuff. then because i was holding onto too many stuff i stupidly decided to just wear my normal white/high heel shoes back. argh. maybe that's why. But maybe it was already coming. Cause i had the weird feeling. everytime i use my left thigh, i will feel this sharp pain. like cramp. so when i did the sprinting, it's like the more i run, the more i felt the cramp. like my thigh muscle is going to tear kind of feeling. freaking painful.
It already happened. IDK what to do now. I think maybe i torn something in my knee again. i think it's a little swollen. cannot really tell maybe because i am too fat. >.< but something is moving in my knee. idk whether i should tell my mother. i just told her that i hurt my knee again. then she say i'd better not tear anything again. argh. it's not that i want to tear anything wad. haixx. i don't want to be crippled. zzz. why can everyone else be fine after pt but not me? why must everything happen to me.argh?!?
i'm crazy now. emo. but i must be happy. force myself to smile. >.<
I was kinda satisfied since I managed to finish my 6 R&Rs one time. So i thought that i could just survive training and go home and sleep. training was horrible. everyone was like sian okay. haixx. and i got my knee injured again. like sprain. painful sia. i almost cried. like seriously. argh. i think maybe it's my shoes. i was so stupid that i went to change my shoes when i went back to the dojo to take some medic stuff. then because i was holding onto too many stuff i stupidly decided to just wear my normal white/high heel shoes back. argh. maybe that's why. But maybe it was already coming. Cause i had the weird feeling. everytime i use my left thigh, i will feel this sharp pain. like cramp. so when i did the sprinting, it's like the more i run, the more i felt the cramp. like my thigh muscle is going to tear kind of feeling. freaking painful.
It already happened. IDK what to do now. I think maybe i torn something in my knee again. i think it's a little swollen. cannot really tell maybe because i am too fat. >.< but something is moving in my knee. idk whether i should tell my mother. i just told her that i hurt my knee again. then she say i'd better not tear anything again. argh. it's not that i want to tear anything wad. haixx. i don't want to be crippled. zzz. why can everyone else be fine after pt but not me? why must everything happen to me.argh?!?
i'm crazy now. emo. but i must be happy. force myself to smile. >.<
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